Dr. Alberto Moreno Restrepo, (RIP) author of "Una Mujer Llamada Anayansi" says:
"With her novel "Echoes of My Clan," Rocio Vargas Herrera has been able to clarify many of the doubts regarding the sentiments of the Gypsies and their way of thinking. Her lithe, articulate, and easy reading takes us by the hand through the experiences and sufferings of the main character: first as a child, who must live in the world of the whites or non-gypsy, and as an adult, during the terrifying days of the Second World War, including the repressive Franco era in Spain. Her indomitable character and sense of responsibility shape her way and catches us from the beginning. It's an interesting novel, dynamic, entertaining, and a worthwhile read." …August 2015
Javier Riba Peñalba Author of “El Lunar Eterno, says…An eye opening story, one that reveals the rich, full of values and often misunderstood, tradition of the Spanish Gypsys.Rocío Vargas, with an assertive prose, makes us experiment the incredible life of Carlota, a girl who takes every opportunity given to her, to acquire a better education and to break all the paradigms by which the Gypsys were (and are) judged. Beautiful people surround this girl, and she differentiates herself since youth, making her tackle life with open optimism. This jump start of her existence determines her decisions and actions in the future.Rocío makes us feel empathic with Carlota and her clans, even though it seems, at times, that these families live and act with equal prejudices towards those who aren’t Gypsys. It is up to the reader to decide if and why these prejudices oblige some actions from the part of family and elders of the clans that could be deemed unjust. One thing is sure, the author plays with our set of ethical standards and makes us open our minds towards better understanding of these intriguing and powerful people.
The plot, itself, is wonderfully structured. It takes us through a difficult period of Europe’s modern history and specially tough for Spain.. In all this chaos, the vulnerability of the Gypsys is augmented and throughout the novel we can see how they are subjected to many ordeals. Carlota is a superb character that navigates with courage through the turmoil. This novel, that is written with zest and passion, as if Carlota took hold of Rocío’s pen and spirit, can stir our emotions with the deepest sorrows but also elevate our mood to sweet heights….April 2019
Ricardo A. Torres Rios Autor (RIP) / Licenciado en Filosofía, Letras y Educación con especialización en Geografía e Historia en la Universidad de Panamá. / Columnistas Periodico “ La Estrella de Panama’ dice “ Carlota, la Gitana …. Ecos de mi clan. Historia de una gitana es una novela excepcional de Rocío Vargas Herrera. Rocío tiene el don maravilloso de narrar con el alma, posee el encanto de seducir al lector más avezado….
Margarita Dager-Uscocovich. Autor, de “No Es Tiempo De Morir” dice…Con su novela "Echoes of my Clan", Rocío Vargas Herrera ha logrado esclarecer muchas dudas sobre los sentimientos y manera de pensar de los gitanos. Su pluma ágil, elocuente y fácil de leer, nos lleva de la mano a través de las vivencias y sufrimientos del personaje principal; primero como una niña que debe ambientarse en el mundo de los blancos o gachos, y como mujer adulta durante los terroríficos tiempos de la segunda guerra…
Luz Mery Montes Sánchez Autor de “ Dieciséis Años para Renacer’ dice Un libro muy interesante que además nos enseña quienes son los Gitanos, seres maravillosos con un respeto y amor por sus semejantes. Es fascinante la forma en que escribe la escritora Rocio Vargas-Herrera. Felicitaciones!!!...Diciembre 2019
BOOKISH FAME " says I have always been fascinated by the gypsies. Their free nature and carefree living excite me. But what I didn’t know was there is a whole clan of gypsies. It has been I existence for a long long time and that Nazi rule, the World War, somewhere took a toll on their identity.